2 Corinthians 10

Mar 01, 2007 23:24

"We do not dare to classify or compare ourselves with some who commend themselves. When they measure themselves by themselves and compare themselves with themselves they are not wise." (vs 12)

Many time I tend to compare myself to others. Most of the time, it's comparing myself to other girls. I compare my hair, clothes, etc. It's a hard thing not to do. What's even worse is that I often compare myself to other Christians. Most often I feel like I'm not as good of a Christian as other Christians that I know. I feel like I'm not as strong in my faith or as close to God. However, I can't compare ourselves to other people. I can't because then I will never be happy with myself. I need to learn to stop comparing myself to others and see myself as God sees me. And if I ever forget that, I just need to think of verses like Genesis 1:27: "For you were made in my image" or Psalm 139:14 "You are fearfully and wonderfully made".
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