Things so far

Oct 02, 2021 14:12

So, it's been a rougher year than 2020. We lost our pet, and by lost I mean our pet became suddenly ill. Apparently dealt with gradual symptoms we kept treating with our vet. Unfortunately we did have to make the decision to euthanize. I'm still quite torn up about it, as is the family. This feels clinical writing it down, but I need to just get that out.

We had lots of great memories, and spent lots of time together over the years. She has crossed the Rainbow Bridge. We still love her and we know she still loves us, even though we had to part so suddenly.

I'm gonna be missing ACFI this year, but that's ok. Things just are crazy. Also Covid is still spreading around. Fucking hell, this shit has been under control multiple times, only to get out of control because people got complacent and started fucking around. But all that aside, everyday is a new day and I can only just keep trying to keep my head above water.

God help us, this was truly the year from hell. Saying that due to various hardships and unexpected expenses, and because we lost our precious fur-baby.
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