
Jun 11, 2020 13:51

So yeah. Things are crazy, it's 2020, the world is still undergoing a virus outbreak, the US is undergoing a lot of stuff. I've been trying to stay home as much as possible to reduce my chances of catching CVD and spreading it. The president is getting closer and closer to losing the election, America is finally renouncing racism en masse. It's about damn time.

Anyway, to occupy my time, I've been doing small electrical projects, yardwork, home improvement, and spending more time with the family. It's been a really unexpected and odd year. The weather has also been very surprising. We got a hell of a lot of rain in May, very welcome too. Unfortunately the last storm we had shorted one of the branches in the house's circuits. So we lost four lights, two of which were outside.

But we'll be having an electrician look at it soon. And we're looking into a government grant for our electrical system to be updated in the next few months. So things are going well, since I have my family, health, and optimism. I've been looking around for more substantial employment and something may pop up, but given the current unemployment, it may be a while.

As long as we keep on the right path, we will all be good. God's got it.

observe and report, reflection, philosophy

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