PAX South 2019

Jan 24, 2019 21:10

Here we are again, it's my first con of the year. PAX South is a video game convention basically. It's huge, draws in a metric shit-tonne of people and is really fucking fun.

I just want to drive this home, sometimes really fucking awesome things happen.

January 24th, Sunday Evening

I had a rough bunch of bitchy ass customers Thursday afternoon and I was getting over all that negativity. So I knew I needed to have some fun. Since Friday PAX had been going on. My ole college friend and I wanted to go this year, but life happens. None of us registered or had the funds to spare for a $45 day pass or $85 three day pass. But I was determined to take photos of any kind of shit I'd see outside of the convention center.

I wanted to go just to hang out with my friends Sunday evening, I was like, "I'll make a little pop-in to see how they're enjoying themselves. And once I met them outside of the convention center, they both wanted me to join them. But I knew they wouldn't want to lend me a badge for a while or pay for me. I said "no, don't do these things for me". But one of my friends had a grand idea. A novel idea, even.

"It's the last day and all these people are leaving and are probably done with the con, just ask someone for their pass and they might help you out."

That went a long way. And so the first person I asked was like this "Hi, my name is [information redacted], I was wondering if you were done with the con.", my friends then jumped in "We're just trying to see if you'd part with your badge so we can show my friend a good time for a two hours". He agreed, "sure here you go". I then paid him $15 through paypal to show even more gratitude. Best dude ever.

Although you'll probably never see this dude, thank you so much, man. Seriously.

The whole thing was me buying shit or snatching up free shit. Here's some pics!


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