various variouses: plane tickeys, cookie clicker, and to-dos.

Dec 02, 2013 09:30

18 days.

Fun story: was about to go out and buy my train-tickey for HRB-PEK when I decided, "hell, why not look at plane-tickey prices?" So I did, and: Some sort of absurd sale going on! A plane ticket for HRB-PEK is on 281 kuai!

(281 kuai is $46.)

So SHIT YEAH I jumped on that. Dec 17th, evening flight 9pm-11pm, pay via cred card, BAM! All done~


...only the site apparently gave me the wrong date: Dec 18. Nonchangeable, nonrefundable.

My response is sort of "okay alright fine" at this point. Whatever. I'll occupy my time on the 17th and 18thday, I'm sure. And all I really want to do in BJ is to 1) go to the art district, and 2) buy a chinabrella and mail it home to myself. (also 3), see a couple friends for lunch/din.) So .... well, hell's bells. Whatev.


I've been doodling around on this game quite a bit recently:

Your objective: make cookies. Then you buy things with those cookies. Then those things make more cookies for you, with which you buy more things to make mroe cookies. Surprisingly fun. Also, once you have enouhg machines, you can just open it in a background tab and do things of your own, and check in on it periodically to find that, in your busyness with other things, you have suddenly made 1,000,000,000 more cookies! Groovy~


18 days, and I'm still deluged of things. I guess this shouldn't be a surprise to me anymore. Below hte cut is a list of things I've done this wknd and things I've yet to do in the recent nearnesss of the future:

-- taught 1/2 makeup classes (next next Fri)
-- graded 4 classes of EPPS
-- inputted 4 class EPPS
-- inputted 4 class SV
-- graded and input a few floaters*
-- bought tickey to BJ
-- added a few moar objects to my send-to-HU pile

*my name for assignments-handed-in-late, because :D

To Do:
-- get a few packages packed/and/or/sent off today (1 HU, 1 selfstuff)
-- get that visa stuff outa the way
-- bank for +2,000 fine**
-- go to Ch class
-- grade as many Rept Assig as I can
-- prep tmrw AM class (easy)
-- prep tmrw PM class (review n a bit new)
-- clean rums
-- take commem photos of rums so I remember what my rums here look like :D
-- check USCET site obsessively and send in app ASAP.

**just ... don't ask***.
*** no really. don't.

That's in the next couple days. Long-term I have other need-tos, but I'm starting a week here and can't overload.


18 DAYSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;D

life is complicated, oh china, various variouses, harbin, let's do it!, pico makes a plan, china 2013, oh noes grades, pico's busy life!, listing

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