Feb 24, 2010 12:23
A facebook message, waiting in my inbox:
February 24th at 1:26am
btw, i couldn't help but to notice between the FairOaks trip and today's running-away-from-ihop, and the ignoring of messages, that you seem to be avoiding me? Just seems like every time I see you, you go out of your way to get away fast, or keep a distance from me...
was just curious if there was something I did to provoke that... I don't recall doing or saying anything, and all of a sudden your like this o_O
Jesus FUCKING christ I want to reply with a billion different iterations of "SHUT THE FUCK UP AND STOP TALKING TO ME". the boy is an emotional MORON and I'm sorry, if a person is AVOIDING you and you purportedly 'don't like them anymore' then you WON'T CARE.
Jesus fucking Christ! I don't need this shit! I've got a schedule neck-deep in shit, I jsut finished a book, I'm still tired from the trip, I'm going ot a job fair tomorrow - I don't need this shit on top of it all!
Oh and PS: No. NO, I didn't "run away from IHOP". It's jsut that FINISHING WRITING MY BOOK THAT'S BEEN BOTHERING ME FOR THE PAST TWO MONTHS is a great deal more important to me than getting free pancakes at some grease-smelling chain eatery. And jesus fuck, if you don't know that my priorities are toward writing, then you don't know anything about me at all.
Son of the PS: so you guys know: no, I'm not going to let this slide. I'm going to reply with some iteration of "that's enough and leave me alone." I'm not standing for this shit anymore.
a boy called bagel,
pico frustration