
Nov 29, 2006 23:17

today sucked too. this week is absolutely painful.

went to bed at quarter to 3.  spanish, kinda boring. gonna watch "like water for chocolate", which is cool. math, meh. english, i liked, and we got lemon poppy seed cake. that was good. chorus, aaah. history, the test was canceled because of the retake of the senior picture, that was good too.

chilled with ms young at lit mag and stalled for time before drama. did the whole show. and about halfway through i realized i still had flute afterwards. at that point, i died. i just.....couldnt take anything anymore. i didnt cry because i was wearing makeup, but i was damn close. and that didnt stop me when i got home. but mom got me an eggnog latte, that helped a surprising amount.

so yeah, went home and kind of died aain. canceled flute, i couldnt do it. i would have sucked anyway, i havent been home long enough to actually practice. i feel awful, i always cancel like an hour before the lesson, and im supposed to give 24 hr notice. but i canceled voice because i knew the runthrough would go over that, i didnt know it would go this long. grar.

oh, and the best part of my day was when i was on my couch, and my leg must half been in some strange, strained position, because the muscle spasmed and now i have a limp.

......and tomorrow isnt even friday.  ;)
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