whyyy sunday

Nov 19, 2006 18:49

this weekend was....bleh. saturday, got up at quarter to 7 - still waiting for the saturday i can sleep. went to districts, which i am not talking about. lets just say i had a better chance if i hadnt auditioned at all. fuck nerves. went shopping with mom at the wrentham outlets after and got a really nice jacket, a perty dress, pants and some earrings. i discovered i like banana republic. went to panera, mocha java, and went home.

saw happy feet with a bunch of people. annie, peter and i loved it, but i guess we were the only ones. whatever, it was amazing. now i want a drum major penguin baby.

went to annie's for chinese and watched camp. <3

today, slept. watched philadelphia and bawled for a good half hour. and then at quarter to 7 realized i have about 10 times the homework i thought i did. sweet.

gonna go eat dinner now. ;)
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