Another Rainy Day

Oct 04, 2009 19:37

 Today was actually really nice. I slept until about 9.30, which is really late for me, then went and spent a wonderful hour at Common Grounds drinking coffee, eating a muffin and reading Aaron Copland's What to Listen for in Music. That man was a genius. He predicted several musical trends that would indeed come to be in later years of composition. After that, I hung out with my roommate reading MLIA and generally laughing our heads off. Then I went to WalMart, and got the essential items: applesauce, milk, Gatorade (blue. They were out of yellow. *pout*) and tiny Dr Peppers. Yes- I found the tiny Dr Peppers, which made me ecstatically happy.

I just finished my theory homework, which means that I have a nice break. And that I'm possibly going get to go to sleep sooner than usual, maybe. I still have half a religion essay to do, but that's not due until Tuesday, so I'm going to finish that tomorrow night. I do need to review for the maths quiz I have tomorrow, but that shouldn't be that bad since I feel really good about all the material. I've figured out that when I take notes, I tend to understand things more. Shock and horror! (/sarcasm)

I found the links to the video of the dance show from last night. It's....amazing. Cramazing. In the best sense of the term. It's on YouTube here and here (Part 1 and Part 2). It's.....just.....yeah.

Tomorrow I have theory, chapel, maths, band, and band tomorrow. But- marching band is inside tomorrow, which makes a huge difference. Especially since it's supposed to rain again.

Today I was about to go out of the way to avoid a puddle when I was walking to Common Grounds, but then I realized something I had my awesome rainboots on! Which meant that I could go merrily splashing through that, and any other puddles! I surprise myself sometimes.

This week I have a concert to practice for, a lesson to prepare for, and probably some things I don't remember right now, but the important thing is that I don't have a game! So I might actually be able to, you know, do something on Saturday. Maybe. Possibly.

I should have bought Toaster Strudel. I really should have. But I didn't. Oh well. I may have a noodle bowl for dinner- that actually sounds decent. Yes, I am just now eating dinner at 9 PM. Yes, I am a college student.

May edit later, ectect.


band, college, life, cold, homework, rain, bugwb

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