The Goings-On in the Life of K

Sep 15, 2010 23:43

So I have either a minor cold or the allergies from hell, and this means that I'm v slightly feverish, lightheaded, and cannot breathe through my nose. This also means that the PoliSci studying I did tonight may or may not be any help on the test tomorrow, seeing as I'm not sure how much of it stuck.

I've been back here at college for almost a month now (almost a month what? How?) and I'm coming up on my first round of tests, which of course means that I am in the throes of procrastination, hence the blog update. I have Poli-Sci tomorrow and Theory on Friday, and I'm a wee bit worried about both. Well, not so much the Theory test -if I take my time and am thorough, I should be fine- but the corrections on the multitudes of papers that are due right before the test. PoliSci is a different matter though. I have no idea what kind of questions to expect. If they're like the last quiz, I should be fine- I made a 100, and none of it was guessing, so that a good sign- but there's both multiple choice and short answer. I tend to freak out over short answer questions. I never can tell what a professor means by short, and it's really annoying. I'm going to study like crazy, but I just don't know.

I've started my percussion lessons and they are easily my favourite- as opposed to trumpet methods, which I am failing epically at. I cannot play trumpet. Someday, when I actually start this vlog thing I've claimed I'm going to several times, I'll get my trumpet and play it. It's bad, y'all. Apparently, if I were going to actually play, I'd need a larger mouthpiece. Cello methods is great though- it's nice having an instrument I can hug. For those counting, I'm playing 4 instruments at a time this semester, 5 including piccolo.

Speaking of piccolo, my unsername is actually applicable this semester. I'm off the piccolo ban set by my flute professor- I actually played it in the concert we had yesterday. And I didn't suck, which is always a nice thing. We're playing at the inaguration of the new presient of the university on Friday, which means that I lose most of my Friday. Which is really quite upsetting. I like my mostly free Fridays, thank you very much. I need them so I can get caught up before Saturday.

The college football (American football, btw) season is firmly underway, and in a major shocker, my university is still undefeated, 2 games in. This is pretty major, for us. We're...accustomed to being a little cynical about our football team, let's put it that way. But this year we're apparently not too absolutly wretched. That makes being in marching band so much more fun- we're actually able to be genuinely enthused about the team, instead of faking it and then being sick and tired of faking it. The freshmen in the flute section are amazing fun this year. They're all hilarious, and adorable, and I'm just sitting here going OMGWHATDOYOUMEANI'MNOTAFRESHMANWOWIFEELOLD. Yeah, exactly like that.

It's always freezing in my dorm room. Speaking of dorms, my roommate is...nice, if a little clean freaky. We both have an unhealthy obsession with Lord of the Rings, which is nice to know. Speaking of things that are nice to know- um...when TNT is running all three LOTR movies in a row all day Sunday, it's not a good idea to turn on TNT. I lost so much time Sunday, but in some way it was almost worth it. Bonding with weirdly quiet roommate, FTW!

Well, I need to go cram.


american football, cello, trumpet, flute, tests, sick, school, baylor, percussion, procrastination, bugwb

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