Yet again it's morning.

Aug 06, 2010 10:16

I think this actually sets a record for earliest started blog post. It's currently 7:42 AM, and I am again sitting at a Starbucks typing away. Caramel lattes apparently equal my wanting to write.

Today actually looks kind of decent. I will have to come in on a Saturday to wrap this project, but that should be the last of it. That should, and I'm crossing my fingers here, actually mean that I am finished with my job. I'll pick up my last paycheck next Friday, and then I'll be off to college. Again.

I'm pretty ready to head back, honestly. Not ready to audition, obviously, but ready to head back. The only problem is that this summer hasn't really been a summer. I'm going back to marching band in bad shape, when I mean to lose weight over the summer, and with a pre-existing sleep deficit. This isn't fair. But, as fair as it isn't, it's unavoidable.

I'm also not looking forward to going back to horrid cafeteria food. But, my mealplan for this year is not all the meals for a week, so I'll be enjoying the culinary delights of peanut butter and the like more often this year. It also helps that I don't have a cafeteria in my dorm this year, so I won't constantly be walking down there for breakfast/lunch/dinner/whatever anymore, which also hopefully will be good for my health. I'm so determined to get in shape and stay in shape this year. No more cookie binges, no more midnight hot chocolate (except at finals. That's the one time I'm letting myself do that.)
I'm at work now (10:14! O_O ) and everything is going wrong, so I'm going to post this and leave it.

In other news, my Pandora station is being nice. In series- Franz Ferdinand, OK Go, and now Cake. I'm happy.


college, life, work, baylor, failsauce that is my life

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