On Bikes

Sep 16, 2009 23:41

 Today was a fairly bad day, bike-wise. 
First, I couldn't seem to get it unlocked from the rack I put it on last night. Then, when I was trying to find a place for it over at SidRich, all the racks were full, so I locked it to a railing. Stupid idea, that-locking it to a railing. But when the choice is either a unlocked bike or a bike illegally locked to a railing, I went with the option most likely to result in me keeping the bike. 
When I got out of math, there was a lovely little slip of pink (Why are things like this always pink? The same pink, too. Bit of a brownish-pinkish-blergh) paper wedged in between the basket and the handlebars. Now I have to go find a way to get to Robinson Tower soon, to pay a ticket which I don't think is fair, with $20 dollars I really wish I didn't have to spend, or at least, wish I didn't have to spend on the fact that SidRich needs more bike racks. I managed to get back to Collins for lunch without any major harm.  After lunch, though, as I was trying to get my bike off a different rack to head out to band, it fell on me.

Yeah. You read that right.  It fell on me. That was painful, and frustrating, and caused E, when I texted her that I had somehow managed to get a bike on top of me, to remark "I think it might be possessed." So here I am, with this bike on top of me. Fortunately, it just added to my collection of bruises; some nice new purple ones on my legs. Oh well. Beats not having any form of transportation.

The rest of the day was surprisingly pleasant. It really feels wonderful here. I don't think it got above 81 today-even marching wasn't that bad. I've done my studying for Religion, and will be doing more tomorrow during lunch.  Studio was cancelled, which means I think I can do the Traditions Rally tomorrow night, that'll be fun.

I was going to go to Common Grounds a little earlier, but since no one else wanted to go, I didn't. Very ironic, this-my own laziness keeping me from eating. But not "eating" eating-just walking down to the coffeeshop. I am full of contradictions.

Only two tests tomorrow, musicianship and religion. I should do fairly decently in both, hopefully. Then its done at 1:45, piano lab at 3-4, then break/homework till the rally. Tomorrow looks good. And I managed to survive today.

Surviving today is all I can hope for, some days.
 Some days are just...harder than others. Like the days where I struggle with believing in myself, or even anything. The days where I feel out of control, either one or the other- supremely hyper or too tired to care. I haven't been having as much of a problem (or having to turn to sugar) as much as I did in high school, but still. There are those days where I just feel like I can't move, or I just don't want to care. And then there are those days where I'm sure I annoy the socks off of everyone I interact with, but I just can't stop myself, and I can't concentrate on anything, not even a book or a TV show I like. I don't know...maybe I just need more sleep. Hah. Like that's ever going to happen. 
So, now that's out of the way. Tomorrow should be good. And I won't lock my bike to any railings. 
PS: I can't decide on what icon. I think I may brew tea, so tea it is. 
PPS: Re: my sudden obsession with Doctor Who. When I find something (or someone, or anything, really) I like, I tend to throw myself into it full heartedly. So that's why I've suddenly turned into super-geek seemingly over night. It was always there, just without a show to lock onto.

fail, life, bike and bike related issues, moods, tea, college, got to be kidding, sleep and sleep deprivation

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