Sep 15, 2009 23:04
Today was decent. Well, decent on the side tipping towards good. First, I did quite well on the piano test I thought I was going to bomb, then I was able to go to Academy with Caro and get (reallyreally cute green and purple) rainboots, finally. And now I'm hearing the train in the distance, and trying to figure out what chord it is. Such is the life of a music major.
Also included in today was me figuring out the exact time that the Collins cafeteria switches from breakfast to lunch. I accidently swiped in twice, and then couldn't get lunch. So I went and got ChicFilA. After that, my day improved incredibly, other than the small period of time that I fell asleep in rehearsal. Merph. I really should get sleep.
Today was the first day I actually felt fairly steady in a while. Talking things out does help.
NaNoWriMo is coming up, and I think I might just know what I'm going to write. This...(live)journaling is helping-by making myself write, I can work my brain into a place where it will write, if that makes any sense.
It's finally stopped raining. It's still fairly muddy, but the rain has stopped. Sadly, the clouds have also gone away, which means its back to the hat for practice. Oh well.
And now for the other part of the title. The Converse. I have a borderline obsession with them, and so the Converse website is a bad place for me to be if I want to get things done. First things first, when I have a job/ for Christmas, I want a pair of the original flavor, black, hightop Chucks. It's been something I've wanted for a while, and if I hadn't had to just buy rainboots, a music book, and pay an accompanist, I would have already ordered them from the cheapest place.
I really should post this. It's too late at night, and I really want to get this posted before today becomes tomorrow. So here it is- hoping that my busy tomorrow will be decent. Theory test, math stuff, chapel. Band, lesson, band. Too busy. I also need to back up my computer.