Jan 23, 2007 08:59
It's 9am and I'm right in the middle of my coffee-time, this is the time of a day when I usually get most of what I'm going to do for the day done. Yesterday, I sent out my resume for a few positions I found on hotjobs for web developers. I can do the job, I've been writing html since we were browsing with lynx, but it'll be hard to convince anyone since all the the projects I've worked on are pretty much extinct now. Today I'm kind of slacking, I'm rolling my own cigarette and watching Monday's TV shows. It made me think of Vincent Vega and how much I love the dialogue in that movie. If you know me in real life, you know I'll often spontaneously erupt into movie scenes and my favorite one is "You know what they put on frenchfries in Holland?" Anyway, I guess I'm a Beatles man... I used to hate Elvis, because that's what my mother always listened to but now I can appreciate his work.