
Jun 05, 2010 11:00

30 days of music...

Day 5 - A song that reminds you of someone:

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This song will always and forever remind me of Nick because he always goes thrash metal on it for Rock Band. Probably the funniest performance of his was during Halloween of '09 which, thankfully, Gayle filmed. I'll have to bug her about uploading it so I can share it with you guys, it's too funny.

I'm heading out soon to join Jacqueline, Nick, Katherine and Danny at the annual Asian Festival downtown. I haven't been there for about three or four years, so I'm stoked to see what they'll have for sale along with the great musical, dance and acrobatic performances. Will take pictures! :)

meme, friends, youtube, cons/events: asian festival, lulz, music, vidya gaemz

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