
Apr 24, 2010 12:04

Stolen from my bro (who flies home today \o/), seen all over the place.

Pick 20 movies/anime/video games/literary works and put their summaries from Better Than it Sounds and WITHOUT CHEATING have your friends guess.

01. You become the indentured servant of a raccoon. Your neighbors randomly hand out pianos, computers, and beds as rewards for ( Read more... )

* crushinator67, * threepapercups, meme, * _brokeneternity, sharing is caring and all that shiz, nanowrimomg, * thebitterseason, creative prompts, * offensive, * incoh, celebs

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offensive April 24 2010, 17:03:06 UTC
01 - this took me a bit but THIS IS ANIMAL CROSSING, ISN'T IT?
04 - The Grinch who Stole Christmas?
05 - Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?
17 - Resident Evil 2, yes?
18 - p. sure this is Pulp Fiction
20 - obviously Repo!

...okay I think that's all the ones I can figure out.


pianotheme April 24 2010, 17:06:15 UTC
01 - Correct!
04 - Correct!
05 - Correct!
17 - Correct!
18 - Correct!
20 - Incorrect!


offensive April 24 2010, 17:22:46 UTC
...i'm a little terrified that there is more than one thing that could be described by number 20.


pianotheme April 24 2010, 17:29:11 UTC
Want a hint?


offensive April 24 2010, 17:30:17 UTC
Nah I just looked it up. I wouldn't have gotten that anyway because I'm not familiar with the series. XD


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