You know how sometimes people on your friendslist post about stuff going on in their life, and all of a sudden you think "Wait a minute? Since when were they working THERE? Since when were they dating HIM/HER? Since when???" And then you wonder how you could have missed all that seemingly pretty standard information, but somehow you feel too ashamed to ask for clarification because it seems like info you should already know? It happens to all of us sometimes.
Please copy the topics below, erase my answers and put yours in their place, and then post it in your journal! Please elaborate on the questions that would benefit from elaboration. One-Word-Answers seldom help anyone out. (:
1. Name
Renae. I have a baby name book my mom kept when she was preggers with me and it was a choice between Renae, Janet and Anneliese. In the end, she chose Renae because she didn't know anybody she hated with that name lol THANKS MOM I GUESS?
2. Age
23 years-young. I'm the second oldest of my online friends and the second youngest of my IRL friends. :\
3. Location
Savannah, GA. It's an okay town. There's a lot of really colorful history and it's touted as the most haunted city in America, but I've never seen any ghosts. |B A lot movies and television shows are filmed here, too, like Forrest Gump and Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil.
4. Occupation
I work part-time at Papa John's. It's not very glamorous, but I can curse and goof off at my leisure as long as I'm doing my job at the same time. It's probably the funnest job I've ever had.
I'm also going to school part-time. I haven't decided on a major yet, but I'm yo-yoing between English and History.
5. Partner?
None. I hang out with the same group of friends constantly, so I rarely have the opportunity to meet new people, especially if they're people I'd consider dating.
I was interested a guy I met on Halloween, though. He was a good friend of Ashley's, but getting Ashley to follow up on anything is like pulling teeth, so I let it go after a few days.
If you can't tell from the above blurb, I'm pretty blasé about dating. It'd be nice, but I'm not going to bend over backwards for someone I've only met once. That's kind of psycho.
6. Kids?
One day, by God! Ever since I was little, I've always wanted to become a mother. I want at least two kids and as many as four. I already have names picked out. :) And to those of you who think dreams of motherhood are lame, keep it to yourself. Go have fun killing yourselves in the corporate world or trying to save the planet while I'm happy at home playing with my babies. ♥
7. Brothers/Sisters
magicaltophat, three years younger than I am. I still remember the day he was born.
We were living in Germany at the time because my dad was in the Army. He was watching me while Mom was in the hospital when he got the call that Alex was on his way. We were heading out the door when I stepped in a big mud puddle. Dad picked me up and raced inside to wash my foot off in the tub (I recall this very vividly for some reason) before we set off to meet my new baby brother. He was so tiny and squirmy and beet-red in the face from crying when they first brought him out. :3c
8. Pets
Tons and tons and tons.
First there was Keeyat (so called because I couldn't pronounce "kitty cat") who got sick and died when I was very young; then there was Shadow, my beloved tortie, and Pilsbury, a Papillon-mix, both deceased. ;; Shadow had kittens around 1996, but we gave them all away.
Later, we had countless numbers of fish, including my betta, Rudolph Valentino. Then came three hamsters, two shitnasty albinos and one very sweet girl we called Taffy. We also had a ferret named Rikki, who was so much fun to play with and super affectionate even if he was a smelly bugger.
Nowadays, it's a full house with Ralph, Fiona and Benji, our dogs; and our cats Ripley and DJ. Woe unto my allergies.
9. List the 3/5 biggest things going on in your life
SCHOOL - Namely, not being a huge failure at it. Truth time: I dropped out of my first college back in 2005, and getting back into the swing of things has been very hard. I know, I'm only taking one class right now hurr durr but it's a math class and I am incredibly stupid when it comes to math. So stupid that I had to take special education classes in high school for it. It's embarrassing to admit, but there you go.
FAMILY - Namely, mending fences with my dad. Maybe it's grotesquely naive of me, but even after years of near-constant heartache and disappointment I still want a relationship with him. I've never stopped wanting a father in my life, and he's trying to meet me halfway so it's all good. :] I just wish he'd stop trying to convert me to Christianity or lecture me on how to live my life because, hello! I'm in my 20s, you're a little late.
FRIENDS - Namely, how important they are to me. I don't think I'd be the person I am today -- or that I'd be here today at all -- if it weren't for them. They're all really strong influences on me and I consider them family. We've been a close group for about seven years now and it's really interesting to see how we've evolved from teenagers to adults. I hope we can stick together like this for many years to come.
10. Parents
Monica, my mother. She and my dad split when I was about 4 and Alex was barely out of diapers. For a very long time it was the three of us against the world. In fact, right after the divorce was finalized, Mom set up a portrait in a photography studio to symbolize how we were still a family no matter what. It wasn't easy for her, though. I remember her being very sick and depressed as the years wore on, but she pulled herself up by her bootstraps and got help because she still had two little ones to think about. Our relationship today is very good even if she does tend to smother me.
John, my dad. He was messed up for a really long time: drugs, booze, affairs. His life was a wreck even after he married my stepmother, but a few years ago he found Jesus and he's been on the straight and narrow ever since. He's a much, much happier person than I've ever known him to be and I'm really proud of him. Now he spends his summers as a camp counselor and sponsors a little girl in another country. It's definitely a change for the better.
11. Who are some of your closest friends?
Oh God. A lot. I'm gonna stick with IRL friends for this answer because naming all of my online friends and their good qualities would take more time than I have right now. Wait until Thanksgiving. :)
Jacqueline is the first to come to mind. Due to a bout of drama that is way too long and tedious to get into here, we became good friends. She's my opposite in just about every significant way, but it really works out for both of us. She's incredibly level-headed whereas I tend to panic at the first sign of Something Going Wrong; on the other hand, I can make her laugh when she feels stressed and her life gets too restrictive. She is my sister from another mister. ♥
Tommy is someone I never thought I'd be so close to. We don't have much in common, but he's gone above and beyond the call of duty to make me feel special and loved whenever I don't. He's always excited to see me and he's helped me through some really rough spots just by letting me vent. Plus, he gives the best hugs ever!
Shawn and Blake are the only two people from high school I still have anything to do with.
Shawn makes me laugh to the point of tears with his antics, even if he can be a real jerk sometimes. But I have to forgive him because he had a harder time growing up than I did. I really admire his ability to turn bad things into something positive.
In spite of appearances, Blake is a sweetie-pie, though he'd probably just scowl if I ever said that to him. He's protective of me when I need protecting and doesn't give me a hard time about doing what I want to do, or don't want to do, as the case may be. His parents are wonderful, too.
Really, I'm close to all of my friends in different ways. McCord and I can bond over anything that falls under the category of musical or gay, sometimes both; I can squeal with Abby, Katherine and Gayle over all things cute and fluffy; Stephen and I are the two biggest fans of
The Room you will ever meet, with Beth being the third biggest by proxy; I love Danny, Nick and Joe for their dry-as-fuck humor and handy smarts; and Ashley and Shino are both so warm, kind and funny.
lol baw I'm getting teary-eyed as I'm typing this stuff out ;;
After all that mushy stuff, it's time for a nap. *zzz*