
Nov 14, 2009 12:15

After almost a week of not fussing with my NaNo at all, I've leapt from 10k words to 20k in the span of two days. I was really fed up with the whole process and unsure as to whether or not I could see it through, but elvenpath whipped my ass into shape and now we're almost neck in neck in terms of our word count. I have just over 3,000 words left to meet today's goal and I'm totally confident I can do it. :)
And elvenpath was definitely right! It's very empowering. I feel like I'll be able to tackle any story idea that pops into my head after this. *eyes unfinished Henry/Eileen fics and unanswered prompts* sup Dean/Castiel~

Other than that, things are back to normal. I've got a test on Tuesday and... ugh, I buckled and reinstalled The Sims 2. Unfortunately, all my data discs full of custom content and packaged Sims are unreadable, so I have to download everything again. B( It's going to eat up a few days just to get it all back. What can I say? I was full-on addicted, and now that I have a computer that can run the game without wanting to die it'll only get worse from here. Maybe after NaNo's over I'll take a stab at one of the Legacy challenges.

Hrm, I guess that's it for now. So until next time, flist, I leave you with Castiel screaming:

team castiel, fandom: sims 2, nanowrimomg, * zombifiers, time to srs, outside my comfort zone

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