
Nov 12, 2009 14:17

elvenpath: Dare: put a scene similar to what just happened in your nano
pianotheme: ...what just happened?
elvenpath: You making me chokelaugh
pianotheme: "and then renae made sam chokelaugh because she's awesome"
elvenpath: LOL full-detail scene though
elvenpath: Kind of like in my NaNo last year when Sov nearly suffocated on his wine
pianotheme: "sam sat in the campus cafeteria, idly chewing her food and iming her friend renae through the new high-tech abomination against god she called her phone..."
pianotheme: "it did everything but perform sexual favors, but sam was fine with that as long as she could tweet from the bathroom."
elvenpath: Droid is adorable shut yo mouf
elvenpath: LOL
pianotheme: "renae was in the midst of writing her nano after a few days of self-doubt. she was several thousand words behind on her word count, but she was determined to make it up. sam, proud of her friend, decided to message her congratulations"
pianotheme: "to which renae sicced her staunchly trained velociraptors to storm sam's school, kill her roommates and take massive dumps on their beds. though they were already dead at this point, renae was a firm believer in adding insult to injury, because she can be a really spiteful bitch."
elvenpath: LMFAO
pianotheme: "chris redfield was riding the largest of the raptors, clad in safari gear and double-wielding uzis. it may have seemed dangerous for him to ride such a fierce animal without both hands on the reigns, but chris redfield has thighs powerful enough to choke a bear and thus has no needs for holding the reigns because they are for pussies."
elvenpath: I don't remember this part of the story! More! More!
elvenpath: THIS
elvenpath: IS
elvenpath: BEST
elvenpath: LMFAO THIS
pianotheme: "then his younger sister, claire, astride a great and terrible grizzly, appeared on the opposite end of the campus, unbeknownst to chris. after years of fierce competition in seeing who could bed that nancy boy leon kennedy first, chris had beaten her to the punch and she was here to call him out."
pianotheme: "she let loose a series of war cries and whoops, which would sound like her doing that gay yodeling from 'xena: warrior princess' to the layman, but chris knew better and he directed his velociraptor mount to where the noise was coming from."
elvenpath: I'm dying squirtle
pianotheme: "finally, they were face to face in the commons where several hundred students gathered in awe at the big-ass grizzly bear and fucking supposedly extinct velociraptor on campus about to have the showdown to end all showdowns. chris and claire's eyes flashed at each other from across their makeshift battleground and, as if on cue, thunder rolled and lightning flashed. a storm was coming, in more than one way."

nanowrimomg, tag abuse, * zombifiers, lulz, chat/instant messenger, fandom: resident evil, oh yeah this is awesome, tempting the muse, hideous and dumb, this entry is fucking great

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