
Mar 18, 2009 19:05

There's this secret on RP!S today that gave me a little thrill. Let's be honest here, the world could use more Kanedas.

Out of curiosity, I read through the comments to see what everyone had to say (and to see if I got mentioned -- I KNOW, I KNOW, I'M LAME). A few people remarked how tempted they were to make journals for Kei, Tetsuo, et al. and my first thought was, "Where were you guys when I played Kaneda?! :c"

I wished the OP good luck, but it got me to thinking about my time in discedo, something I haven't done in depth since I left.
Really, I had mixed feelings about the community towards the end. More and more it became apparent that it wasn't for me, and by then I was only sticking around for the interactions with Bulma (anime OTP~) and Kakihara, which wasn't right. Kaneda needed to branch out and take over the city, but I didn't have it in me to put forth the work and dedication required to do that. I guess it's a good thing I realized all that before it became too late and I butchered his characterization any more than I probably already had.

I'll always feel guilty for disappointing the players whose pups were closest to him, and I'll always have fond memories of discedo, but I'm not sad I dropped. And fuck if I don't still love Kaneda. Who better to terrorize otherwise tame IC memes? Hide your daughters, folks. You never know when or where he'll pop up!

Guess who didn't come home until 4:30AM last night?

It was worth it, though, even if I was miserable at work all morning. The pollen count must be in the trillions. The next time I step out the door could very well be my last with how easily my allergies are triggered these days.

To better put this into perspective, I have a diagram handy. Imagine, if you will, that I am Ash, while the skeletons pummeling him represent pollen, dander and dust.


under the weather, everything can be expressed in a gif, role play schmole schmay, * discedo, time to srs, work

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