Fuan no Tane is a three-volume horror manga by Nakayama Masaaki. It's atmospheric and unsettling; everything I truly love about horror. Don't get me wrong, I'm a big fan of flying viscera, body parts being hacked off and the odd murderous child's toy, but what really gets me are the unexplainable occurrences and things that are skimming the surface of reality, threatening to burst through and grab you, kicking and screaming, into the abyss.
Did that shadow have eyes?
Ever hear the story of the man who hung himself from the swing in the local playground because he couldn't stand to be away from his children?
Whatever that noise was, ignore it. If you pay attention to it, it will pay attention to you.
And that's the tone of Fuan no Tane. Urban legends, superstitions, the boogie man. They're all very real and they are all happening.
Sample pages under the cut, resized for your convenience. The actual dimensions of the pictures are 808 X 1200 so they're nice and readable. And don't forget to read from right to left!
It's a small taste, but hopefully enough to leave you wanting more.
Volume oneVolume twoVolume three Nakayama released a new, ongoing anthology in 2007. It has yet to be scanlated, but rest assured that I'll share it when it is.