
Sep 17, 2008 17:46

Kaneda's back at Discedo. Feels good, man. 8)

On a more serious note, I need Dad advice.

To start, I've been trying to mend fences with him. I feel ready, you know? Despite all the pain and heartache (which I know stemmed from me -- I expected too much from a man who didn't know what to do with young kids), I want to get to know him as an adult. I guess every little girl wants her daddy, no matter how much he's failed her. And, barring all the religious hoo-ha he tends to go on about, I must admit that he's gotten much better in recent years.

Here's where I need your help: I called him last week after mulling it over for much of the morning and asked if I could spend the week of Christmas with him and my step-mom in Florida. Honest to God, I thought he was going to cry. He sounded absolutely thrilled and it felt really, really good that he was so keen to see me.
However, I wonder if I'm setting myself up for disappointment. We really don't know a lot about each other since we haven't had a real discussion for a very long time and we don't see eye-to-eye on many important (IMO) topics. If things do get hairy, I'm renting a car to get down there and can pack up and leave whenever, so that's not an issue like it has been in the past.

It all boils down like this. On the one hand, I'm under the impression that he wants to make this work as badly as I do. On the other hand, I'm not totally convinced that it's not gonna come back and bite me in the ass. I know there's always a risk, but is it worth taking in the first place?

Argh, most of you are familiar with the Chronicles of Him and Me. Any input? :[

Enough of that shit. Let's get some blood, guts and ghosts up in this piece.

image Click to view

Asian horror montage set to "Bodies Like Sheep" by A Perfect Circle. Check out the extended version, now with twice the amount of fucking creepy dolls. Or whatever that thing at the end is.

dramuz, role play schmole schmay, * discedo, horror movies are my anti-drug, time to srs, family

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