
Mar 21, 2008 15:55

It sucks feeling creatively inferior!

After finishing a particularly hideous looking prompt for fanart50, I'm tempted to drop my claim and go with fanfic prompts instead. Attempting to tackle Henry and Eileen -- or any established characters, for that matter -- looks weird and wholly unattractive in "my style" (LOL). Really, all my doodles and original ( Read more... )

* roadtriphome, * fanart50, writing/ficcing, fanart/art/doodles, rant

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roadtriphome March 22 2008, 02:01:17 UTC
My deepest apologises for the uber-longness. They are rather long (we aren't writing them in chapter form actually, they're in scene form), but I've been trying to separate them into chapters, so if you see a place where a chapter could be, let me know. For a fan like you, you know that there's a lot of bitching and moaning between the two, so you might be ahead of people who aren't familiar with anything they know about them. There are alot of fantastic scenes in those first three chapters prior to them entering the house. Jackie and Courtney worked very hard on them (yep, that's right, I don't write a thing until you see Fairuza *lol*).

Your on chapter 2 (but we'll count the Prologue as a third). That scene actually isn't quite done, but that means your almost into the house! That's where I think that's were the real adventure begins. I'm hoping to start incorporating images and things into the story pages to help fully visualize the place, but I'm also hoping we were able to make you envision it the way you want to as well.

*glee* I'm so glad you're reading - and fanart is always welcome. ;)

How is your writing project coming along? I rather liked that list you started.


pianotheme March 22 2008, 02:09:57 UTC
Yes! Oh how dearly do I love Bam and Ryan just bullshitting back and forth. Especially when they're drunk -- that was gold. I could hear it all in my head.

Really, it's a vivid, fantastic story thus far. I'll have to read from the beginning tomorrow to get the full effect.

List? Are you talking about this entry?


roadtriphome March 22 2008, 02:21:13 UTC
*beams* Well, let me know what you think whenever you get to stops. It would give me much glee.

Yep! That's it. :)


pianotheme March 22 2008, 02:23:11 UTC
You can count on it, doll.

Oh, that's all for fanart, but I'm sure I can use them for fanfic prompts instead.


roadtriphome March 22 2008, 02:28:34 UTC
OH! Well they look like great prompts for fics too!


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