
Apr 02, 2011 02:04

Unceasing boredom and the frustrating inability to freaking sleep have prompted this post. Still feels weird writing here again.

I guess I'll do a neat, fashionable bullet-point list on all the happenings in my life since I've been MIA.

In no particular order:

° I went on two dates with a guy around January/February. I knew we weren't going to last after he talked about his penis the first day we met. Broke it off via Facebook, like a boss.

° My brother is moving to Texas next week. I am trying not to show how much this saddens me.

° Still don't have a job. ~Surprise~.

° Decided on my life career. Finally. After, like, years of wishy-washy debating: elementary school art teacher.

° My hair is the reddest it's ever been right now.

Oh yeah, and GWAR/Richmond, VA was awesome. Have pictures. Not sure when I'll post them. Short, clipped sentences.

love and other lies, this entry is useless, concerts/shows/plays, work, family

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