Jul 22, 2015 00:17
Dear LiveJournal,
I am back! This is the one and only Christopher Hewitt, and I have decided to start using this good ol' klunker a bit more.
Yes, there's BlogSpot. Yes, there's Blogger. There's even FaceBook, which from approximately 2008-present I have used much more than any other website for social media. However, there's something special about LiveJournal; something special about the 1,773 entries that I have posted since 2003, and largely that many until 2007 when I started to abandon LiveJournal more.
In any case, my next entry is going to talk about my recent Disneyland vacation. I'm a big of a big guy right now, and there's something to be said about the fact that Disneyland is not prejudice against the big people, unlike MAGIC MOUNTAIN, in which a person of my size cannot ride ANY of the rides at all. I also want to talk about my thoughts on Disneyland and the rides in particular, and to rate them, because I've had a particularly magical experience this vacation and I can't wait to come back again! I really wasn't a huge Disneyland fan until now, and even though I'm 25, it's never to late to start loving this place!
I just feel bad that I don't know ANYONE who uses LiveJournal anymore. It kind of fell off the face of the planet once MySpace took over, and then came FaceBook, and now it's just curtains! But I'd like to change that. This is truly where all of my journaling will be, and that's never going to change. And heck, it's going be my 12-year anniversary with this site on December 21, 2015. It'll be TWELVE YEARS AGO that I first made this journal, when I was just a wee 14-year old in 8th grade. My, how the times have changed.
Yes, I do think I'm going to start using this more. I'm also going to promote my LiveJournal via my FaceBook. And I'd still like to read comments from any one of my good old LiveJournal friends from back in the day! You are all still my friends!
Thanks everyone! Talk to you soon =)