Title: Well this is one place where your gods can't dwell
Verse: Hide and Seek
Part 1,
Part 2,
Part 3,
Part 4Characters: Sally Sparrow and Helen Magnus (
notanemptymotto )
Setting: London, 2010, The UK Sanctuary
Relative Time: 11:56 PM
The drive back to the Sanctuary was quiet, and felt unnaturally long. Sally watched the streets and unlit shops pass by the window, the pane misting as they went with the beginnings of a light rain. She knew she should give Larry a call, let him know she was alright at least, to be honest he was the only one left around who cared to ask, and she owed it to him. She owed him a lot, really, after everything that had happened to them and between them over the years he's still come out of it a good hearted guy who somehow still thought the world of her. That was probably more than she deserved, but she owed him one phonecall at least, as a friend.
But that would have to wait, until she was alone and preferably somehow done with this case, although there was no end currently in sight. Sally didn't mind, it kept her busy, kept her thinking.