Title: Trains and sewing machines (oh, you won't catch me around here)
Verse: Hide and Seek
Part 1,
Part 2,
Part 3Characters: Sally Sparrow and Helen Magnus (
notanemptymotto )
Setting: London, 2010, The UK Sanctuary and the London Underground
Relative Time: 6: 43 pm.
It was growing dusk, Sally realized as she headed outside, resisting the urge to take a quick peek at the areas of the building she hadn't been given thr tour through. Late afternoon, at least, she thought as she caught a glimpse of the greying sky overhead. She shouldered her bag casually, not pausing until almost at the gates, even when she heard the click of heels behind her.
"Are you following me?" She said, voice a mixture of false irritation, amusement, and well hidden relief.