I DO Love Crazy....

May 03, 2009 07:40

I'm very glad I decided to clean up every part of my house now, as my stepdad ended up being in it far longer than I expected. It was apparently clean enough to his satisfaction, as he made no remark on that. He did say that it was getting a cat smell to it, which I'm going to take to be true, as I have no sense of smell. Will work on that.

We moved my new futon in (I really hope Shen doesn't ruin it while I'm gone), and while I got my bag he took a look around. He about had a heart attack when he saw the bathroom.

None of this was due to me maintaining it wrong or whatever. I actually had no idea what it was (it wasn't green, so I saw no problem and just ignored it), so I kinda have just been ignoring it while musing on just what it was while taking a shower.

You see, on the wall of my bathroom near the window, a bunch of spots have been accumulating for sometime. At first it looked like dust, but it gradually began to thicken in other areas until it was a really dark brown. It rubbed right off when I touched it once, so I figured it was no big.

Yeah, I was wrong. My stepdad said it was black mold, and promptly confiscated my spray bottle and household chemicals to make a concoction to kill it.

...At least I know why I've been sick so often lately.

Anyways, after that we met up with my mom and siblings at the movie theatre to see X-Men Origins: Wolverine. I will call WTF on a few things, but for the most part? It was a pretty good movie. :D

As expected, the action scenes were totally made of win. Totally loved that. Also, the writing was pretty good too. Plot kinda jumped around a bit too much... and I was pretty disappointed to see how little screen time the other characters got. I was expecting a lot more from the trailers, though I guess I shouldn't be too surprised. It is the origins of Wolverine, after all. XD

Nevertheless, I thought the other actors did really good in their roles. And what part they played in the story was done pretty well, for what it's worth. As far as true to the comics goes... yeah. After Wolverine, it gets pretty off for most of them. I usually give a lot of leeway when it comes to comic movies, but they really messed with some of them. I think the two I found most issue with was Emma and Wade.

Emma- Noooo.... that's not her background! Fine, fine- I can go with it. But they'll totally acknowedge that she's a badass telepath, right? ...Apparently not, as when Professor X comes he's talking to Scott. >.<

And Wade. Oh, poor, poor Wade. To his credit, he was absolutely perfect in Nigeria (pre-mutate, of course). Badass fighting, non-stop talking. Instant love. And then came Weapon XI. Oh my.

Like I said, I can take some changes here and there for a movie. I draw the line though at the way they gave him the 'Deadpool' name though. No, no, no, no, NO. That is not why he's called Deadpool! What's with all the weird abilities? Super accelerated healing factor is true, of course... and I guess we can even let the teleportation slide (I think he has a belt for that purpose in the comics), but everything else? That's where I draw the line.

Never mind sewing his mouth shut- that's way over the line. Merc with the Mouth, anyone? >.< Makes for good angst, but seriously. Was Wade's original story not screwed up enough in the first place? Poor guy.

...Lot on Deadpool. Wolverine was awesome too, though! :D

P.S. I got the Deadpool ending. SWEET.

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