the weirdest thing happened two days ago:

Sep 23, 2010 00:26

So I was sitting at work thinking about how my jaw kinda hurt, when all of the sudden I decided that I wasn't quite feeling myself.

so I did what I though would be a good idea, I stood up. The next thing I know, I was rather dizzy: to the extent that I felt like I was going to fall over. I started moving toward the bathroom a few feet away from the desk, only to feel the strangest thing I've ever felt: I lost complete control of my body but remained fully aware.

I must have been in the process of blacking out. my blood sugar was extremely low from the day before (I just never got a chance to have dinner, and I often don't have lunch. so the only thing I'd had in almost 36 hours was a few cookies) but it was rather disturbing. I remember every second of the whole event, yet I remember physically standing up, then a pile of motion, accompanied by the feeling like I was standing over myself staring down into my empty skull. then suddenly I'm standing at the far end of the room muttering out loud "I don't know, I don't know.." over and over again (says my co-worker)

at the time, and for several minutes afterwards, it was the scariest experience of my life.

immediately following, I felt an overwhelming calm: like the sun had just set on a warm summer night, or the tingly feeling you get when you take your shoes off and walk about on nice long grass.

in other news, I miss the summer already. fall is proceeding nicely, and I hope to have some video work done some time in the next few weeks to display. I'd love to do video work as a hobby, but I need somebody to shoot for! (I'm not terribly creative. I just make things work! :P)

I've decided that the best title I'll ever hope to achieve is "director of communications".

in every sense of the term, I like to make things communicate. whether it be people, computers, electronics and people, inanimate objects and movie screens: anything to anything I want them to communicate.
and I want to be there to help them.
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