May 19, 2009 13:17
I mean, seriously. I turn around for half an hour and when I look up again I'm twenty-seven.
What the hell HAPPENED?!*
Boil's making me a birthday dinner tonight, which I am looking forward to as he is a MUCH better cook than me, and far more methodical than my 'slap everything in pot, push in oven for while' method.
Dad took me to see Coraline yesterday - he and Sue hated it. I thought it was beautiful and SO COOL - except for the addition of another child character, Wyborn. Which would have been OK, still, except that to me it smacks of the idea that Coraline couldn't get herself out of trouble without the help of her male friend. Hey, she managed it in the book.
But still. Animation almost as gorgeous as Howl's Moving Castle - on a totally different level, of course, being stop-motion - and really, really creepy. I do agree with Sue that it shouldn't have been PG - if I'd seen it aged eight it would have scared me out of my tiny mind.
* - This is a theoretical question and does not require an answer. Obviously, time passed and I got older.