(no subject)

Feb 04, 2021 18:57

Not much going on this week - working - journaling - getting my groove back.

I am very happy that the House has stripped that nutty Marjorie Taylor Greene of her committee assignments. It is a little unusual for the majority party to strip someone from the other party. Usually such discipline is done along partisan lines but the Republicans were not going to do it so the Democrats had to. This QAnon nutjob needed to be neutralized so now she is effectively a lameduck. She won't get much done. Most of the Republicans voted in support of Greene so that is pretty pathetic. They definitely circled the wagons there. Let's hope the good people of Georgia see the error of their ways and vote her out.

That is my only observation today. Not much on my mind. I will try and post more tomorrow. Today was busy at work and I am really tired. Short post tonight. Poof, like magic this is cross-posted from - Dreamwidth! Please comment where you prefer.


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