Feb 02, 2021 09:37
I don't really care who wins this year - I don't have any stake in the game - none of my teams are in it. I think it is amazing that Tom Brady has made it into his tenth game so that is something. I usually watch it and take a nap during the game and I love to watch the half time show. I don't know who is doing it this year but it is usually big and fun so that is something. Amanda Gorman is going to read at the Super Bowl so I am excited about that. She is the Youth Poet Laureate who read at Biden's Inaugural. So that is worth seeing.
I have seen story after story asking people not to get together for the Super Bowl and you know that people are going to have parties and this is going to be a spreader event. We have failed every test so far on this. People just have to get together. They cannot help themselves. Pandemic be damned they are going to get together. I am going to watch the game by myself in my own home with my game day snacks here. But I think people are going to get together and a football game lasts for hours so that is a good way to spread covid. Be in a room for hours with someone watching football.
I hope I am wrong but I don't think I am - we have failed every spreader test so far so why would this be any different. I don't even like football but I do watch the Super Bowl every year. I like to see the advertising around the game - that is usually very creative.
Anyhoo - those are my thoughts on this very American thing - the Super Bowl. There will be a surge in cases after this.
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