Death to "What Not To Wear"

Mar 06, 2009 20:50

Not that it matters to my life at all, but an open note to the hosts of TLC's What Not To Wear:

Go fuck yourselves, you self-important, soul destroying harpies!

I channel surfed over to this show, which I've never seen before. There was this weird, goofy, wacky girl on there and I was interested in what they'd do with her makeover wise and still keep her sense of style and personality. I'm sooo annoyed that these two people make a living pissing all over people's individuality. Everyone's seen a makeover reality show where the 40 year old mom no longer feels vital and sexy because she wears nothing but sweats and has a haircut from 1987, so they change everything and it gives her a boost of confidence. I'm all for those - shallow as they are, those are about self esteem and helping out a person.

But this girl was already vibrant and self confident and wonderful, and they just squashed it. Fuckers.

At one point when she said the clothes were boring, the hosts said, "Is sanity boring?"


angry, random

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