So, now. I have a lot to do this weekend. A LOT.
1. Clean my room
2. Rearrange said room
3. Do laundry
4. Travel around Kent getting applications, frantically looking for a job for Kat and I
5. Start looking for somewhere to live over the summer in case our plans fall through
6. Relax and try to concentrate on living
7. Start meditating again, it's good for the soul
That's it for now. I mean, that's just for Friday through Sunday. I really want to hang out with people this weekend, so if you want to hang out with me, call me. I'm not calling anyone to hang out. IM me or text or call me.
And, on a lighter note,
EDIT: I have something else to add to my list now
8. Start looking for an apartment in case we cannot stay with someone over the summer.