Aug 31, 2008 16:59
This google search engine is so useful! I've discovered such a vast amount of knowledge, signed up to edit Wikipedia articles, and joined several science groups. It was a little irksome when one group member asked if I was named for a Tales of Symphonia character. I told them I wasn't and that I was in fact a teacher from Isalea. I don't even know what Tales of Symphonia is! One man said he was a "role player" and that I was taking my character too far. Another one said he has pictures of me with Kratos as a couple. When I explained that while I don't see Kratos like that, I do appreciate his contribution to our journey. Then he accused me of not being open to the possibilities.
Some people...
Now some girl in the group is messaging me and telling me I'm out of character. Where do these people come from? And here I thought we were supposed to be discussing science and not my personal life.
sieben's mensa,
lol avoiding spoilers,
smarty pants,