10 years ago today....

Apr 04, 2007 08:28

I met my husband 10 years ago today.

On April 4, 1997, cubetime came to UCSD to visit pewtey. It was a Friday night. pewtey decided to gather a few friends and go to a dining hall on campus-- not the close one, one that we deemed slightly nicer. This afterall, was a special occasion (and as freshmen in college, going to a dining hall other than "The Rat" was a treat).

I had heard of the plan, but hadn't intended to join the group as I wasn't very close to pewtey yet and there was no need for me to hoard in on their evening. However, is2disney was much closer to pewtey so she was going to dinner and pewtey and cubetime came over to get her. She lived a couple doors down from me so when she wasn't in her room, they stopped by my room to see if she was there or if I knew where she was. I didn't know. pewtey left to find is2disney but cubetime stayed in my room. I just continued doing what I had been doing when they arrive, brushing my hair. Apparently, this left him frozen in my doorway trying not to drool. He invited me to dinner. I accepted.

We ate dinner at Oceanview Terrace. I had chicken strips. cubetime had a burger. He told me yesterday that it was a horrible portabello burger with swiss. (I doubt I can remember what I ate last week but I remember what I ate 10 years ago on the night I met my husband.) We all talked and laughed and had a very enjoyable dinner. We shared lateral thinking puzzles. cubetime told one like this.

Then we returned to pewtey's room to watch some movies. I left for about an hour to call my boyfriend. (Yes, I had a boyfriend at the time and cubetime had a girlfriend. It was probably fortuitous as our relationship was born as a friendship.) We continued to watch movies and talk and the crowd in the room dwindled down to pewtey, is2disney, cubetime and myself.

At about 3am, I mentioned a brain teaser I'd been working on:
10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 20, 22, 24, 31, 100, ?, 10000, 1111111111111111

cubetime and I started working on it. At 4:07 am, we solved the puzzle. Each of us had critical insight that helped us solve the puzzle without which would have made if difficult, if not impossible, to solve on our own at the time.

I left to go to bed and cubetime had to get up early in the morning so he asked me to page him to be sure he was awake. Apparently, this was a clever way to give his pager number to me. The next morning, I paged him, but not with my phone number (as might have been his plan), but with the solution to the puzzle we'd solved in the early morning hours.

Now, it's been 10 years. We've finished school and gotten married. And now we live only a few miles away from the place where we met. I couldn't be happier.
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