Panning: A Five Minute Photography Exercise

Jun 20, 2011 17:07

Panning is the act of following something moving with the camera so the moving person or object appears in focus while the world around it shows movement.

This week, it’s the theme of my Friday Finds Flickr Group!

While panning is a slightly more advanced photography technique, you can achieve results with nearly all cameras, even an iPhone! Why not take a five minute break this week to try something new or hone your skills?

Panning tips: a five minute exercise

This weekend my family and I went to the Fort Worth Zoo. Determined to practice panning, I knew the merry-go-round held my best chance! I asked my mom to take my boys on the ride so I could take pictures.

Out of 36 exposures, I took five that don’t make me cringe to show them as examples of this exercise. Though not brilliant photos, I’m fairly happy with the results. Here’s what I learned:

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Originally published at Daily Window. You can comment here or there.

panning, shutter speed, experiments, assignments, photography, featured

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