All About Matt

May 31, 2006 17:54

I thought I'd sit down and write a little about Matt. We've gotten way close lately and i didn't think we could get any closer, (I'm mean, we've had sex, how closer can you get? HAR HAR INCREDIABLY LAME JOKE!!!!!!!!!!), but we did. I'll jsut explain some things that have happened that mean soemthing to me.
So, this weekened, we were a drinking and having a great time at my house. My parents are gone, so all was well. We decided to go skinny dipping, (DARING!). Yeah, the water was freezing. I think my boobs shrank to prunes, it was so cold. We stayed in as long as we could, maybe 10 minutes, and we went and took a shower in my parents shower. It's one of those closed showers, like a box. It was so nice, warm water running on me and having Matt just kiss me. He then said, "I could be like the forever. Just warm water hitting us, only us around, and kissing you. I'm going to stay in here for a long time until you say to go." I didn't protest at all. It was romantic.
Then, the next day, we went out and about and we were talking. I then learned that Matt was addicted to Meth and had tried Coke. He was addicted to Meth for about 6 months and did Coke twice, not liking it. He told me that's why his teeth were so bad. I didn't think he teeth were that bad at all. He then asked me if I thought lesser of him. I told him no, I wasn't surprised, but as long as he isn't on any drugs now, than I don't care. Later that night, we were taking a bath together and I asked to see his teeth more closely. He protested no, becuase they were really bad. I begged and begged and he finally relented. They are pretty bad. They are rotting in the back and they are totally black. He has a tooth missing because he smoked it out. He asked if I was freaked out and I shrugged. He told me his last girlfriend totally freaked out when she saw them. I'm like, Uh, they're jsut teeth, why would you freak? Some girls man.
Later that night, I was sitting on the couch and I'm what you call a picker. I have a cold sore on the side of my lips and I was picking it. I started to bleed and Matt was like, 'What are you doing?" I confessed I was picking and I was now bleeding. He got up, all huffy like and marched to the bathroom. He came back out with antibacterial cream and a tissue and put some cream on my sore and told me to hold the tissue to my sore. I mean, how did he even find that cream? I didn't even know I had any! I know it seems dumb, but I thought that was really sweet of him. It shows that yes, he would take care of me if something were to ever happen to me.
I;m refelcting on all of this and thinking, you know, he really is a great guy that has a lot to make up for. I told him if he goes back to school this semester and he makes good grades, I would buy him a turtle. That's all the motivation he really needs.
Sorry this is sappy and boring, but I just wanted to document this. For now, things are really great with me and Matt and it's only been 2 months. I'm freaking the fuck out.
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