Dead To The World

May 15, 2006 06:50

As the title says, I've been dead to the world for the last 4 days. Why? Because the day after this hellish semester ended, I got Strept Throat AGAIN! What the hell? Does Matt have something that give me strept throat? I've never gotten this twice in one year in my life. I believe it's because I got all stressed out and my immunities said, "Fuck this" and left, leaving me so naked and ungaurded against the Strept. That or Matt really does give me strept throat. Now I have some weird cough that I'm having a hard time shaking and it's keeping me up at night. Last night I had to resort to taking cough medicine that it 1 month expired. As a Pharmacy Tech, I say that can't be good, but I needed sweet, sweet sleep, which I got. Man, it was just such an inconvince being sick. I had to cancel so many things. Of these things I had to cancel:
1. Finally seeing a school counslor to register and see how far I am from my degree
2. Finally hanging out with Caitlin
3. Seeing my mom in Flagstaff for mothers day
See? INCONVINCE! Leave me again immunities and I swear you will not be allowed back in.
Uh, me and Matt are going to Prescott today! We're going to stay over night at my aunts second house. It's great because we'll have the hosue alllll to ourselves. And you have to understand, my aunt is rich. I mean, it's great rich. I love her so much! She's so nice and generous too. And hilarious! Plus it's a 5 minute walk from Whiskey Road. As the name implies, it's nothing but a street of old time saloons. We are so getting drunk at Matt's Saloon. Seriously! There's an actual bar called, "Matt's Saloon". I smell funny pictures to ensue.
And Ms. Laura.....we need to talk. I mean, call and talk to each other. I have some things to tell you. Are you avaible Tuesday night? Sorry i didn't call you last tue. I will explain why when we next talk.
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