selfportsat Created by
dangerousface to help propagate Self Portrait Saturday among the other camera-whore masses.
Every Saturday, regardless of where I'm at, I take a self portrait on my nifty digital camera. Over time, they've become a record of where I've been, how I've been, and how I've changed over the days/weeks/months. They're easily my memories..
The rules:
Portraits don't need to be taken on a Saturday, but they certainly can be.
Portraits don't need to be in any particular media--I take pictures, but if you draw/paint/sculpt/whatever, that's cool, too.
Please save our friends lists and place large images behind lj cuts.
Ditto for adult images--please place them behind cuts and notate in your subject that the image may not be worksafe [NWS/NSFW].
If you want to post context, please do.