Grown-up non-sense. *sigh*

Jul 31, 2007 23:22

Why can't my parents make some sense? Why? How hard would it have been for my mom to drop her car off at the shop and have my dad pick her up in his work van? I mean, wanting to get to bed early, fine, but would 15 minutes (okay, probably closer to 30, but still, not very long) really make that much difference? I'm in the middle of something with friends, most of whom I won't see for about a year, at least, once we all go back to school. Seriously, Emily could have driven the car over and Daddy could have picked her up if Mom was still in her conference call. Make some sense!! It is really not that difficult!

Okay, really, I don't mind that much. BUT IT WOULD BE NICE TO KNOW THESE THINGS BEFOREHAND!!! So that I'm not looking forward to a nice long chat (for lack of a better word) with friends, only to have it interrupted by an unexpected errand.


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