Staff meetings = boredom

Jun 06, 2007 20:49

Went to my first ever staff meeting yesterday!!

And I about died of boredom.

Okay, so not really, but seriously, there were so many things I could've been doing instead of sitting and listening to people talk about things I don't entirely understand. Although I did find out that there's going to be a cool Special Exhibit running from next June through next December (that is, June '08 to December '08). And I had to stand up and be introduced as one of the Living Collections Interns.

I really think I'm starting to get a hold on what I'm supposed to be doing. Enough of an idea, at least, that I could do it on my own. It might take me longer than it would take my boss, but that's kind of a given at the start.

I felt very environmentally friendly today! ^_^ I took the bus to and from work. It was free, since I'm a State student and had my valid student ID. :-) Free things are usually nice. And I managed to cross Maynard almost right after I got off the bus so I could finish walking home. It's a little scary, though, crossing 5 lanes of traffic... I mean, it is at an intersection, with a side street and a driveway opposite each other, but traffic from the neighborhood and traffic leaving the parking lot have stop signs, so the people on Maynard just zip right through. And generally, drivers go about 45-50 mph, instead of the speed limit (which is 35). So I was really happy that I got across so soon after getting off the bus. I was also excited that I didn't get run over.

I'm in the beginning stages of crocheting myself a tote bag for carrying books (etc.) around campus (or anywhere else!). I'm planning to felt it, so right now I'm just doing my gauge swatch, and when it's done, I'll decide which pattern I'm going to follow.

The only problem with riding the bus is that I have to get up really early, but I have trouble getting to sleep early enough. And then I run around a museum all day, so I always feel really tired when I get home.

mad_crochet_skillz, news_of_life, ihasajob

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