I'm in ur museumz, feedin' ur reptilez... (and amphibians!)

Jun 04, 2007 19:23

So, I've joined the world of full-time workers. And other than not being able to sleep in, it's not too bad. I do lots of cleaning... cleaning exhibits, cleaning cages, cleaning food dishes... And lots of feeding, too. But it's fun! :-)

My boss said the funniest thing today... He thinks that everyone should be required to work in a museum, as part of a sex education course. So that they won't want to have children. X-D Apparently, lots of his friends are starting to have kids, and he's told them he doesn't need any because he deals with 2,000 every day. X-D I thought it was amusing.

If anybody has a chance, come by during a weekday and see me! Or at least see all the cool animals... Like the Mata mata turtles. ^_^ They're really cool. And I like all the different salamanders we have. North Carolina actually has the greatest diversity of salamander species in the world. 'Cause we're cool like that. ^_~

I've started working on a nice crocheted tote bag that I can use to carry notebooks and stuff on campus. Or anywhere else, for that matter. And by started, I mean I've made a gauge swatch. Which I have to felt so I can decide which pattern I'm going to use. I'm looking forward to it, though!

And I should have lots of time to work on it soon, since I'm planning to start taking the bus to work. (Yay public transit!) I should be able to ride for free with my NC State ID, and the bus stop is at the entrance of my subdivision, so why not? I'll be saving money AND energy! :-D And I'll have time to do stuff, like read or crochet. :-)

So last week at First Friday, the pre-show film was a Disney educational production that looked like it was from the late '50s/early '60s. It was called, "Nature's Strangest Creatures," and talked about some of the weird animals in Australia. When they started talking about the platypus, the narrator was like, "Nature's first attempt at a mammal..." I was like, "*snicker* Did they really just say that?" Also, according to this movie, all the marsupials got to Australia when there was a land bridge from Asia. I was thinking, "Well, yeah, if by 'land bridge' you mean 'Australia was completely and totally connected to other continents! Like Antarctica! And Africa! And South America!'" I thought that movie was funnier than the feature, personally, but that could've just been because I was tired.

Maybe it has something to do with running around a museum all day (almost literally), but I'm always really tired when I get home! I don't know how people manage to work full time and still have energy left at the end of the day for cooking or cleaning or other stuff. Although, they could work less energetic jobs, I suppose...

And then on Sunday I did more baking. I made chocolate bread again, and then I made bread with peaches in, and I made some pans of peanut butter-oat bread. I always feel so productive after cooking things! ^__^

mad_crochet_skillz, news_of_life, mmmfood

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