Why is speaking to a void so comforting?

Apr 16, 2007 12:47

So, I'm going to post the titles and artists from that lyrics meme tomorrow, since it's been 2 weeks and only Umly has bothered guessing. I guess the rest of you are just... apathetic or something.

How is it that I see a guy once (okay, just to be clear, yes, this is a particular guy, not just every guy I see on the street) and suddenly have the biggest crush ever? This is very frustrating. Logically, I know that I shouldn't feel like I like him this much. Since I've only just met him, and that was very brief. I know pretty much nothing about him. And yet I find myself wanting to see him when I'm walking around campus or something. I feel so ridiculous for feeling this way, but I can't help it. *sigh* I was perfectly happy not feeling anything beyond friendship for any guy. And now I want more. Stupid emotions.

In other news, school is almost over! :-D Except I have to write a speech for Thursday, and finish my big paper and presentation for next Tuesday. :-O I'm really worried about it. I'm just trying to suppress the worrying so I can actually function. And I have a chemistry test this weekend. And then final exams start at the end of next week. And I still need to find a job. :-@

But I had lots of fun this weekend. ^_^ Went to see "La Boheme" on Friday night. It was really sad! I almost cried. And then I almost forgot my jacket. X-D Then I went to a "Cowboys, Pirates & Ninjas" party, which was really fun. On Saturday I went to the prevet carwash, then had tons of fun at Pink & Blue Day in the Quad - made a tie-dye t-shirt (it didn't turn out really great, but it's not the ugliest thing ever created), ate ice cream, watched people play volleyball. And Saturday night I went to the Pour House for a concert. It was amazingly fun. Got 2 CDs with Tria & Halli. The bands were pretty good. First was Starting Tuesday, who were kind of emo; their music reminded me of Five for Fighting, a little. And a little like the early Train stuff. Then there was Raposo, who were more punk rockish. They were fun. And the main act was Glorydive. SO COOL!! The band is basically 3 people (plus a bass player sometimes): the lead singer on acoustic guitar, a guy who does all the percussion (bongos & some other drums, xylophone, wind chimes, & vocal percussion), and a guy on electric violin. It was really great. Oh, and apparently I fell in love as well. X-b
Me: *walking along* Lalala! ^_^
Boy: *is cute like whoa!*
Me: *trips & falls in large messy puddle of emotions, aka Love* Aw, man!

So, that's my life lately!

news_of_life, rant-ness, random_thoughts

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