I'm in ur friendzlist, doing ur memez....

Apr 03, 2007 09:17

1. Leave me a comment saying, “Interview me.”
2. I respond by asking you five personal questions so I can get to know you better.
3. You will update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.

My answers to aeauna:

1. I need a new book to read. Recommend one. (So that wasn't a question. Recommend one?)
Hmm... I'm trying to think of stuff you'd like that I've read recently... This would be so much easier at home with my bookshelves next to me!! I can't remember if you liked Going after Cacciato and that magic realism stuff... If you did, you should try Ways of Dying by Zakes Mda. Or for something even more weird, The Madonna of Excelsior by the same guy. Hmmm... Have you read Jingo (Terry Pratchett) yet? I'm right in the middle of it right now.

2. If you had tickets (plane and theatre) to see Dan Radcliff in Equus, would you go?
Yes. For several reasons. First, I'd get to go to London. Second, I'd get to see a play. I mean, I've read the play, and it's really weird, but it's always different to see a play than to just read it. Plus, all the reviews have said it's great. And London!!! :-D

3. How's your yogalates class going? (I'm thinking about going, but it sounds hard, and it's always on my busiest days. By then I just want to chill.)
It's really fun!! ^_^ You should come try it. Some of the stuff is a difficult, but you go at the pace that's comfortable for you. I mean, I guess you're supposed to challenge yourself and stuff, but it's not like they make everyone do the hardest moves all at the same time. And the relaxation bit at the end is really nice! ^_^

4. So... what's up with that guy? (Okay, I don't remember his name. He had brown hair?)
"That guy" is not very specific. I know many guys with brown hair. Although, it doesn't really matter who you're talking about, since nothing is up with any of them. And nothing will be.

5. How are you liking the honours program? Totally worth it? Too much extra work for not enough return?
I think it's worth it. There's really not that much "extra" work involved. You have to take 12 credits of Honors seminars, but those can fit into the GERs, so it's just like taking any other class. Plus, we get lots of cool opportunities for free/cheap stuff, like tickets to "Les Liaisons Dangereuses" and to "La Boheme" and stuff. And there are trips that are cheap. Plus, we're pretty much all the nerdiest kids around. X-D It's kinda like AP classes in high school - everyone's a geek, whether or not they'll admit it, and we're usually pretty serious about getting work done, eventually. ^_^


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