Sep 01, 2005 04:37
School starts in 5 days and change...I can't wait; the boredom here has reached an all-time high. I find it oddly coincidental that timings of me getting my TV finally and everyone else leaving for college coincide so beautifully. Now I get to appreciate the comforts of my bed for lengthier time periods...go me.
^ Me, feigning ecstasy.
Well, the jury is finally in on my status at the wonderfully satanic department store commonly referred to as "Kohl's." It would appear as though, despite all of the in-your-face advertising of "Help Wanted," "Now Hiring," and such, they alas do not want MY help. Pity. And here I thought I was making progress by being persistent. My mistake. It is now time to shift my focus, I suppose; Lowe's, Target, and Shaw's look out! I may one day get a job (other than the cobweb-accumulating event schedule of the VWA) yet. We shall just have to wait and see.
I probably could write a hell of a lot more, but I won't. Fuck it. It's 4:47am, and that would be admitting to myself that I really do have nothing better to do (including "sleeping") at this time than write in this lousy online steaming pile of shit know as an "LJ." And we can't have that. I think I'll just retire for the........morning.....and get back to you (that is, whoever actually reads this garbage), well, whenever I feel like it.