Who am I, and what am I doing here?

Apr 26, 2009 13:34

Hi there!

It occurred to me that the occasional visitor might accidentally stumble by my LJ and then it would be nice to have at least one entry for them to read.

1. Who am I?
I'm a girl in her mid-twenties living in rural Southern Germany.
My RL is boring and pretty much sucks, so I spend way too much time online or reading novels.
Which leads to...

2. What am I doing here?
I'm here because I'm a Supernatural addict, and there are some amazing people on LJ who provide awesome fan-fictions, hilarious episode recaps, thoughtful meta, basically all the substitute drugs that ease my withdrawal symptoms in between episodes. Well, I felt like I should leave those people the occasional comment, but felt weird doing it as "anonymous", so I got an account. I still don't comment as often as I should, and usually I end up writing something  like "I loved it" instead of a real review, but hey! - I'm trying.

OK, I'm not planning to post anything interesting, or anything at all. If I was half as talented as some of you guys and a native speaker of English, I'd be writing fan-fiction, but I doubt I could produce something anybody would want to read. Seriously, I'm pretty surprised that you're reading this!
So thanks for dropping by, but now stop wasting your time here and be creative so I can enjoy your ingenuity.

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