Mar 11, 2006 07:58
I'd heard, at some point, that Dauphin Street was being has been slowly restored to the.. well, what amounts to the equivalent of Bourbon Street, so take that as you want to. So last night I walked down Dauphin at around.. eh.. 8:30, 9 or so. Well. The only resemblance I saw was an abundance of bums asking for money. I'm sure Byron can agree with me on this one, Bourbon Street, at night, is very.. very crowded at night, even without any sorta special event going on. Dauphin Street? Not so much. At least Mobile's trying, though. We still have a plethora of empty/gutted buildings downtown. Every time I walk by this certain one (I don't remember what street it intersects at, exactly), I always think, "One day I'm going to do something with this place." No doubt they have a special little section in the seedier parts of Mobile for places like what I wanna open.
That takes money, of course, and I'm fresh out. Come to think of it, I need to re-print my resume and give it to my dad to fax off to a few hospitals this next week. Sigh. I hate job searching.. it'll be easier now that I actually have experience doing something, but still. Shit. It's that uncertainty.. waitin' for a fuckin' call.. that gets to me. Ah, well. It'll be fun! I'll make it fun. Damn it.