(no subject)

Jan 08, 2006 23:12

To say that today was a beautiful day is a given.. it was truly amazing outside. High 60's, hard breeze blowing incessantly.. it was awesome. Finally dragged my ass to a park and walked around it.. I couldn't help but notice that aside from a couple kids around there, I was the youngest person there exercising. It bothers me that the younger generation doesn't exercise a whole lot, and then complain about their weight gain. It's a reason why I stopped being such a hardcore gamer, like I was in my earlier teens.. I'd prefer being outside, than sitting on my ass, on a beautiful day eating reheated pizza or something else equally unhealthy. That goes for the sports fans who also spend all day, on their ass, when they could be outside actually participating in a sport.

One of the ladies at work bought one of those Ab Loungers for.. $110, I think? If you do even a little research online, you'll find out that any machine that aids in doing a crunch is less effective than a crunch. And a crunch is among the least effective exercises possible. I'm sure you people with common sense can see the futility of buying an ineffective machine to do an ineffective exercise. On top of it, she's doing one of those crazy diets.. cutting herself off from certain foods. Cutting cokes from her diet due to the caffeine making her fatter... man. Caffeine makes you lose weight. It's everything else in the shit that puts the weight on. She said that you can lose up to 25 pounds from cutting carbonated drinks from your diet, and maybe it's true. I don't drink but one or two a week now.. and I never once had a caffeine headache when I was quitting. I was also drinking decaff tea, though.. which isn't totally lacking caffeine, it's just greatly reduced. Shit, my liquid requirements nowadays is almost nothing but water.

I know for a fact when I was younger, my metabolism wasn't all that hot.. I used to be a little overweight. Nowadays, though.. nightly, I'm eating tons of pasta, pizza, sausage, or some other fairly fattening food and I'm still either losing weight of holding steady. Must be the 5 days a week regimen of exercising.. which's probably going to progress to a full seven a week. I'm gettin' a Bowflex, heh. Freeweights're simply too limiting in the exercises you can do with them.. can't work everything I want to.

Yea. When in hell did I become so hot on fitness, might you wonder? When I realized one of our 60 year old pharmacists was more active and in far better shape than people my age. I don't know a single person that can play tennis for 5-6 consistent hours.. that's more endurance than probably I, and everyone I know put together, would have.

It is possible to shame a Chuck into doing somethings, and this's one of 'em.
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