Nov 03, 2008 22:38
Blah blah blah, statistically irrelevant, blah blah. To save time, let's pretend like I made a really witty joke about the AARP, Ok? Ok.
The election's tomorrow. And I would just like to state, again, don't vote (SEE: All previous reasons.)
But if you do vote, please, don't get all high-and-mighty about it. Don't think it affects the way things are going to turn out, or gives you a right to complain, or even makes you a better person.
The real reason why people vote is to make themselves feel like they have contributed to society (I have research to back this up, but I don't write speeches anymore so I don't have to cite sources, so :P ). Whether this is an illusion or actually the case, it's still a good feeling. When people feel like they are doing their part to make the country a better place, everyone is a little happier.
Conversely, I will continue to not-vote until I become old and need the government to lend me a hand (and that would be where I tie in the AARP joke.) If you think about it, my not-voting is just as patriotic as your voting-voting. After all, is voting truly a privilege if you don't have the option to refuse doing it?
That's deep....
or I'm just tired and ready for bed...but maybe deep